Monday, January 28, 2008

Roberts Basketball team "Summit Sports"

Robert is #40 but I doubt anyone had a problem picking him out of the group. Robert has had a GREAT time playing for Summit Homeschool Basketball the past two years and he would love to continue. He has been pleading for us to homeschool one more year so that he can play for another year but at this point I am not up for that. He needs to move on to college and I keep telling him he can go down the street to Joe Dumar's and field a team. We are leaving for Oklahoma on March 7th or 8th till the 16th for a national basketball tournament for homeschoolers. Robert went last year with the team but we had to stay behind but since this is his last year we are opting to go and make memories of Robert's last organized high school sport...WOW!!!! Now that is heartbreaking. To imagine that my only child is going to be 18 in a few months is hard to swallow. Being a mom to Robert has been an experience but I wouldn't change it for the world. So many memories wrapped up in this heart of mine to last a life time and to think one day soon he is going to leave the place he has called home to build a life of his own.

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