Sunday, March 23, 2008


Rob left today, Easter Sunday, for a short term mission trip along with five others from our church. They are going to help build five houses in a two week period to the area that was hit by a tornado last year. They will only be gone a week but I don't like when he is gone. Just glad that my finals for school are coming up so I can work on them this week while he is away. If it weren't for school I would've went to Kansas but with doing school on line and finals a week or so away I thought it best to stay behind. How awesome it is to help others in need. We will go on the mission trip in October 2008 wherever they decide to go whether it is back to Kansas or some other place that needs the help. It is always a great feeling to give than to receive and that is what our Savior did for us this past Friday on Good Friday when HE died on the cross for our sins. "OUR" sins...I cannot fathom that at times. Someone died for US!!! How wonderful is that. For me, for you, for each one of us. HE endured the pain for each one of us.

The drama today at church was unbelievable!!! The reenactment of the day HE died for us. The thrashings HE endured. Only Jesus could've endured that pain. There is NOT one of us that could've endured that pain but HE did because HE loved us so much! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!

Keep smiling.

1 comment:

Russ and Karla Patterson said...

It was a FANTASTIC service wasn't it!!! So glad that the drama didn't end with the cross but went on to show that Jesus lives!! He is Risen!